Fan Efficiency Enhancement For A Valued Client

Nelson, NZ
December 2021

Taylors Manufacturing was approached by a client with a specific need: they required a replacement impeller for their Taylors 1020TR fan, which we had originally supplied in 1992. However, their request went beyond a simple replacement; they sought to improve the fan’s efficiency and reduce its power consumption.

Responding to this challenge, our team recommended an innovative solution. We replaced the old aerofoil type impeller with a modern FB type impeller, equipped with backward inclined blades and a high-efficiency inlet arrangement. This upgrade was a strategic move, focusing not only on replacing a component but on enhancing the overall performance of the fan.

The installation of the new impeller and inlet led to remarkable results. It achieved a substantial 25% reduction in power consumption while maintaining the same performance level. This success story underscores our commitment to delivering solutions that are not just immediate fixes but also contribute to long-term operational efficiency and sustainability.